Child loss is so REAL. I never in a million years would have thought it would be a part of my journey, a part of my life, a part of my existence. But it’s not just me. As I look back on my life there have been so many treasured friendships, significant bonds built, and just moments that are important. All of these led to my support system today. A dear friend from high school, a favorite teacher from childhood, a friend from a competition cheer team, a sorority sister, a fellow February 2017 mom, a loved coworker, a college friends' best friend, and an unbelievable strong friend I was connected to with my same name - all of these beautiful and strong women have lost their sweet children. ALL OF THEM. All of these women are not just a post on Facebook - they are close to me, they are a part of my circle, they have been an important part of my life at some point in time! That’s how incredibly real child loss is. Thats a lot of women in just my tight circle alone who have lost their child - I’m sure there are many others. These ladies have always been within an arm's reach to me - at different points in time, at different points in my life - but always near me, living in my heart, ready for the moment I need their support and their understanding. So, instead of being sad today I will be thankful that I have such a strong group of women constantly thinking of me, constantly checking on me and constantly sending me their unwavering love and support. I miss you Bennett - more with every breath I take but I am thankful you have guided me to such a strong circle. You have reminded me of friendships and love from past years and have opened my heart to new friendships that I could not imagine never having. If you know someone who has lost their child sometimes the smallest gesture can help. We don’t need anything big or deep - I promise we are not scary. A hug, a short text or an “I love you” goes a long way ... we never want our child to be forgotten or left behind. We will never move on from the loss of our babies, we will never get over it BUT we will move FORWARD with our babies. We will continue to build their legacies and they will continue to guide our path until we meet them again. So, to all my sweet friends sitting on this awful child loss bus with me - I LOVE YOU - We can do this - especially with each other.